Each player must register on the website by creating a username, password, and their email address that is affiliated with their RevolutionUC registration.
Registrants who are not registered for RevolutionUC, as identified by their email credentials, will be ineligible for prizes.
Teams can be formed from 1-4 players.
Points will be awarded for the capture of each flag, and will not be adjusted based on other factors (completion time, number of other solves, etc.).
At the conclusion of the CTF, the team with the highest standing on the scoreboard will be declared the winner.
Winner(s) must submit write-ups on solved challenges to be eligible for prizes.
Winner(s) must be present at the RevolutionUC award ceremony.
Each member of the winning team will be awarded one (1) Flipper Zero.
In the event of any dispute, the ICR CTF Team shall make the final determination.
All flags are in the format flag{...}
If you find a bug in the contest infrastructure please report it.
If you believe you have a valid flag that is rejected, contact us.